SNAP 840 AM emergency radio alerts

The Siren Notification Alerting the Peninsula (SNAP) at 840 AM on the radio alerts residents peninsula-wide with emergency notifications (formerly known as the Belvedere Emergency Alert Radio Station (BEARS) at 840 AM). SNAP was created through the generous contributions of the City of Belvedere, the Town of Tiburon, the Belvedere Community Foundation, the Tiburon Peninsula Foundation, and the Tiburon Fire Protection District.

SNAP 840 AM provides a peninsula-wide emergency notification resource. But SNAP is only part of the story. In the event of an emergency, it is entirely possible that the peninsula will become isolated due to its two primary entry roads being blocked – Highway 101 and Paradise Drive. Without these primary access roads, emergency response on the peninsula will be limited to the public resources at hand along with help from the community itself. To address this, The Get Ready Task Force and Belvedere-Tiburon Disaster Advisory Council have developed localized emergency response plans that include local shelter locations, a peninsula first aid station, a volunteer reporting center, a water evacuation plan, a deepwater wharf access point, an electronic notification system, and an emergency alert siren.

In the event of an emergency, the peninsula emergency alert siren will sound, alerting the community to tune to SNAP 840 AM for more details. In addition to SNAP 840, you can sign up for SNAP electronic notification. To do this, Email Laurie Nilsen or call (415) 435-7386 and provide your preferred method of notification – email, cell, home phone, office phone, or text.

So remember - if you hear the siren, tune in and turn us up - SNAP 840 AM!

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