Report an Issue
Report an issue
If this is an emergency, call 911.
To report time-sensitive issues:
Call the Belvedere Police non-emergency number (415) 435-3266 while they are occurring. (If a police officer isn’t at the station, your call will be answered by Marin County Sheriff’s Dispatch Center). Do not email or submit this type of concern online, because it causes a delay in response, and the violation must be verified and abated while it is occurring.
Examples include:
- Construction work after hours - on weekdays before 8am or after 5pm, or on a weekend or holiday
- Abandoned vehicle - vehicle parked in the same location for 72 hours or more
- Illegal parking, including a vehicle blocking a sidewalk
- Noise complaint
To report problems that need to be addressed by our Public Works Department:
Please click the Public Works button at the bottom of this page.
Examples include:
- Parks & playground maintenance
- Sidewalk obstructions & potential hazards
- Tree & vegetation maintenance
- Road conditions, including potholes
For general questions or comments:
Call Belvedere City Hall at (415) 435-3838. To contact a specific City staff member or City official, you can find their contact information in the City Directory
To report a coyote encounter:
Call the Coyote Reporting Non-Emergency Hotline at (415) 435-4982 or use the Coyote Non-Emergency Reporting Form
To report an issue through our website:
Click on the relevant category below. A City staff member will respond to you as soon as possible.