City Hall will be closed Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day.

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Climate change's most worrying effects include increasingly frequent and prolonged heat waves, wildfires, higher seas, more violent storms, and heavier rainfall. We are vulnerable to all these impacts, but with one-third of Belvedere in a FEMA flood zone, we are particularly susceptible to flooding. The City has developed adaptation plans to reinforce and elevate the...

The City contracts with Marin Clean Energy's Deep Green Program for municipal electricity supply, thereby receiving an allocation of 100% renewable energy. While understanding that we are all supplied by the same grid, the extra we pay for Deep Green allows MCE to invest more rapidly in new technologies, and we are proud to support...

By adopting water conservation practices, we can help ensure we have enough for our needs, even during times of drought. Our water conservation policies include the following: Using well water from our two City wells for all City operations, including irrigation of City parks and open spaces, and street sweeping. Ensuring Belvedere's planning and building...

Methane is emitted into the atmosphere whenever compostable materials like food, paper, and yard waste are buried in landfills instead of composted or recycled. In 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1383 into law to reduce organics going to landfills by 75% by January 1, 2025 from 2014 levels, as well as rescue 20% of disposed surplus...

In 2022, the Marin Civil Grand Jury urged local jurisdictions to adopt "reach codes" prohibiting the use of natural gas (propane) in newly-constructed buildings and enhancing energy efficiency in homes undergoing renovation. Reach codes refer to local building code amendments that require greater energy efficiency than State codes. The County of Marin has published a Green...

The City supports various Green Transportation initiatives. Current initiatives include: Four EV charging stations at City Hall. Three all-electric municipal cars. Financial support to the Yellow Bus Program, which offers school transportation to Reed Union School District students at subsidized rates, keeping cars off the roads. Future initiatives include: All-electric street sweeper. Electric Vehicle Incentive...

Reducing local greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to a hotter planet is a top priority for our City Council. In June 2022, the City adopted its 2030 Climate Action Plan (CAP), updating its 2011 Climate Action Plan. The Plan takes an inventory of local GHG emissions from 2005 through 2019 and outlines a menu...

About The Department of Climate and Environment is responsible for all climate mitigation and adaptation planning, as outlined in the City's Climate Action Plan. Responsibility for this function lies with our Planning and Public Works Departments. In line with state goals, Belvedere is committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 80% below 1990 levels by...

About Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing society today. The City is working hard to institute policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to a hotter planet, but we can all pitch in on an individual basis. Read on to see how you can help. Goals The Intergovernmental Panel...

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