Archives: FAQs

Where do I affix the tag when I evacuate?

Place the tag in a location that is most visible to first responders who are on the street. This could be a gate, a mailbox, garage door or a front door. If there is more than one home on the property, make sure all homes are evacuated before placing the tag near the street. We … Continued

What if there is more than one home on my property?

When a first responder sees an evacuation tag near the street, he/she assumes everyone on the property has evacuated. If someone is still on the property, only place the tag on the homes that have been evacuated. If placing the tag near the end of your driveway, only do so when the whole property and … Continued

Do I have to use an evacuation tag?

No. Evacuation tags are optional. It helps us evacuate neighborhoods more quickly, which means firefighters can get in more quickly to fight the fire. Most people we have talked with are very excited about the evacuation tags and we hope you are, too. Sonoma County and Napa County have had great success with their programs.

Doesn’t the evacuation tag tell looters I am not home?

First responders usually mark your home with yellow tape or an “X” on the street when they confirm your home is evacuated. This is no different than an evacuation tag. We heavily patrol evacuated zones with help from our mutual aid partners and neighboring agencies. Your life is our first priority, then we focus on … Continued

What information is needed on the plans I submit for a building permit?

Each Sheet Of The Plans must include the follow basic information: Job Address; Drawing Scale(s), the date of the drawings, Assessor’s Parcel Number; Owner’s Name; printed contact information, the signature of the person preparing the plans; plans prepared by an Architect or Engineer must stamped and signed. Page 2 of 3 Information Required On Permit … Continued

What are the current applicable construction codes?

The California Building Standards Commission has adopted the following construction codes, which are effective in the City of Belvedere as of January 1, 2014: 2016 California Building Code 2016 California Residential Code 2016 California Plumbing Code 2016 California Green Building Standards Code 2016 California Mechanical Code 2016 California Fire Code 2016 California Electrical Code And … Continued

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