Parks, Open Spaces, and Lanes Committee
The role of the Parks, Open Spaces, and Lanes Committee (POSL) is to study and provide community input on projects, such as infrastructure improvements, landscaping, and memorial designations, that are proposed on City-owned property, including parks, the playground, open space, and median strips.
Each January, the Committee provides the City Council with a list of priority measures to improve or protect Belvedere’s Parks, Open Spaces, and Lanes to inform the City's budget-setting process. Map of Belvedere Streets and Lanes.
The POSL Committee comprises five members appointed by the City Council to serve four-year terms without term limits. Members typically have a background or interest in horticulture, environment, landscaping or recreation design.
One Council Member is appointed annually by the Council as a non-voting liaison.
Current Members
- Charlie Harrington: 5/31/2027
- Nicholas Markman: 5/31/2027
- John Schirm: 5/31/2027
- Wayne Stacy: 5/31/2028
- Marika Bergsund: 5/31/2028
- Jane Cooper: non-voting Council liaison
The POSL Committee meets four times a year during the third week of each fiscal quarter in Council Chambers at Belvedere City Hall, 450 San Rafael Avenue, Belvedere, CA 94920, and on Zoom.
POSL Committee Meetings are open to the public. Meeting agendas and staff reports ("the packet") are posted online on the Public Meetings page, where you can also find the archived agendas, packets, and meeting audios.