Missed the Fire Safety Forum? View Online

Posted on March 17, 2025

Fire Prep Forum

​An overflow crowd of more than 115 residents from Belvedere and Tiburon attended last month’s Fire Preparation Forum. Every speaker – from Belvedere Police Chief Jason Wu to representatives from Tiburon Fire District and Marin County Office of Emergency Management -emphasized that the first critical step to prepare for any potential emergency is to register with the AlertMarin Emergency Notification System.

For fire safety, they stressed the need to take personal responsibility by organizing a Go Kit for each family member (including pets), making an evacuation plan, and creating a defensible space around your home. If you missed the event, view the Fire Preparation Forum video.

Since fire isn’t the only potential risk to our community, Be Ready Belvedere -a working group chaired by Councilmember Pat Carapiet – has begun meeting to focus on emergency operations, sharing emergency preparedness information with all residents, and creating an evacuation plan for the city. Councilmember Carapiet welcomes your questions and comments at pcarapiet@cityofbelvedere.org.

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