How we’re improving communications with residents

Introducing a New Way of Communicating
Based on Your Feedback
Improving communications with Belvedere residents is a top priority of your City Council and City Manager Robert Zadnik. That’s why we created a Communications Task Force of community volunteers, whose efforts were guided by input from hundreds of fellow Belvedere residents who completed surveys and participated in focus groups and one-on-one interviews.
Today, we are pleased to announce the results of the Communications Task Force’s work to begin putting your feedback into action:
- Belvedere Website: The city’s website has been completely redesigned to make it easier to use and faster to find the information you want. There is a section for quick answers to your most frequent questions, streamlined ways to report issues or provide feedback, and improved search functionality to help you get what you need. Check out the new website here.
- Belvedere Breeze: The city’s monthly e-newsletter has been redesigned to get you the latest news on the topics you said you want to hear about. Belvedere Breeze will be published on the Friday following each City Council meeting, so look for the first issue in your inbox on October 13.
- Belvedere Blast: This new email communication will be used to deliver news alerts to you when there’s something important and time sensitive that needs to be shared with the community.
- City Council Chats: These new informal meetings with one or two City Council members give you an opportunity to share your comments and concerns and to get answers to your questions. Upcoming Chats will be announced in the monthly Belvedere Breeze e-newsletter.
- Belvedere Logo: As part of an overall improvement to the design of City communications, the Belvedere logo has been refreshed to better represent the uniquely beautiful community we all call home. The new logo will be phased in over time in an appropriate and cost-effective way.
While there's more to come, we welcome your feedback and/or questions about this new communications approach. Please use the feedback form here.