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Find government services for the people of Belvedere, CA.
Find common City services. If you can't find what you're looking for, explore our departments or contact us.
Permits and licenses
Get permits for home construction projects
Learn what permits you need and how to get them.
Find out if a planning or building project has been approved.
Get a license for your business and pay your annual tax.
Apply for design review approval
Get planning approval for your construction project.
Apply for a special event permit
Get a permit to close a street for an event.
Apply for an encroachment permit
Get a permit to use the public right of way.
Public safety and preparedness
Have your home checked while you're away.
Plan ahead to protect your family and home during emergencies.
Let us know if you see a coyote in or around Belvedere.
Volunteer to help your neighborhood during an emergency.
Sign up for daily wellbeing checks
If you're an older adult, get daily phone calls to check on you.
Register your home security camera
Help prevent and solve crimes in your neighborhood.
Engage and connect
Find agendas and videos for public meetings.
Join a committee or commission
Volunteer and serve on a City commission.
Subscribe to the City newsletter
Get city news directly in your email inbox.
Contact staff or elected officials
Call or email us with your questions or feedback.
Donate to Concerts in the Park
Support this fun and cherished community event.
Nominate someone for Citizen of the Year
Suggest a resident worthy of recognition.