City Hall will be closed Monday, December 23rd through Friday, December 27th. Happy Holidays!

Design Review Additional Requirements

If your project doesn’t fit into the Belvedere Municipal Code, Policies and Standards, you may need to apply for additional permits or approvals including:

  • Design Review Variance: Required for improvements that exceed objective the Development Standards of your zone exclusive of Total Floor Area.
  • Exception to Total Floor Area: Required for floor area that exceeds the maximum floor area allowed for your zone.
  • Revocable License: Required if you are proposing any private improvements in the City public right-of-way. 
  • Demolition Permit: Required if you plan on removing a dwelling unit or for the removal of more than 50% of the of the total exterior wall and roof area from the grade up, including all exterior openings.
  • General Use Permit: Required if you are seeking to use a property any differently than its zones prescribed use.

If you have questions, please contact the Planning & Building Department.

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