Simple, home-made deterrents can help keep coyotes fearful of humans, while also protecting you and your dog when out for a walk. An easy-to-carry scare stick, made by tying mylar ribbon to a stick, confuses a coyote when you wave it vigorously out in front of you. A plastic trash bag easily fits in your pocket, but when inflated by air is large and when snapped is noisy. An empty soda can with a few pennies inside makes a loud sound, and if necessary, can be thrown toward the coyote. A whistle on a cord around your neck or even a loud scream can be very effective too! For suggestions for other products that will deter unwanted wildlife, contact Jane Cooper at jcooper@cityofbelvedere.org. Another great resource is the Belvedere coyote update video. For additional information or to file a report, please visit our Coyote Awareness web page.