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City encourages more study of Tiburon Blvd bike lanes

Posted on June 18, 2024

Trestle Glen Intersection

Today, Belvedere reiterated its concerns that Caltrans’ $19.7 million Capital Preventive Maintenance project along SR 131 (Tiburon Boulevard) does not adequately address potential traffic and safety impacts. A significant part of the project includes the addition of bike lanes on both sides of the highway from the 101 interchange to Trestle Glen.

Having received extensive community feedback, Council representatives followed up with a letter to Marin County Supervisor Stephanie Moulton-Peters encouraging Caltrans to undertake a study to measure the impact on congestion of cyclists traversing the Trestle Glen crosswalk to access the proposed outbound bike lane, consider the data and recommendations that emerge from the Town of Tiburon’s upcoming traffic study, and evaluate alternative bike routes. You can read the full letter here.

The City is grateful for the ongoing dialogue with Caltrans and Supervisor Moulton-Peters.

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