At its November 12 meeting, the City Council approved the submittal of the second revision of the Belvedere Housing Element Update to the California Department of Housing and Urban Development (HCD). This revision responds to HCD’s latest comments and includes edits from the Planning Commission and City Council. The update lays out prospective areas of development across the city and describes strategies to meet our state-mandated Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) goal of 160 new units by 2031. We expect to hear back from HCD in January 2025. A full copy of the Housing Element Update is available on the city website.
The City Council also appointed two Belvedere residents – Ruben Kalra and Keith Pagan – as new representatives to the Belvedere-Tiburon Joint Disaster Advisory Council, which leads efforts to improve disaster preparedness on the Peninsula. Outgoing member Jerry Butler was thanked for his nine years of dedicated service on this advisory council.