City Council 2024 Priorities

Priority Setting Process

In the first quarter of each year, the City Council holds an annual planning session to set its priorities for the upcoming year and then works alongside staff to deliver on them. Occasionally, other priorities emerge during the year.

2024 Priorities

Here are the Council’s 2024 priorities:

  • Beach Road Capital Improvements
  • Planning & Building Simplification (ongoing)
  • Enforcement of Construction Rules
  • Construction Time Limit Improvements
  • Improved City Council and Committees Onboarding
  • Climate Action Progress
  • Improved Emergency Preparedness

2023 Achievements

Here are some of the key initiatives from 2023:

  • Improved Communications
  • Housing Element Update
  • Coyote Management Plan
  • Fire Tax Review
  • Construction Cost Appraisal Improvements
  • Mills Act Review
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