City Hall will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Age Friendly Belvedere


Age Friendly Belvedere is a volunteer effort to support residents aged 60 and over. The initiative seeks to promote health, safety, and happiness for residents while aging in place in our community.  Residents of any age are welcome to join the Age-Friendly Belvedere advisory group, which meets monthly. If you would like to learn more, please email Nancy Kemnitzer.

Age Friendly Belvedere: Community Action Plan

Download Age Friendly Belvedere: Community Action Plan

Age Friendly Belvedere Resources

In 2019, Belvedere earned the designation of Age Friendly City with the World Health Organization. As part of our commitment to aging in place, Age Friendly Belvedere has compiled a list of useful resources to assist our residents.

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